A second big mazel tov to Emerald who was awarded the upper solo in Aliyah L'Regel, one of the songs in Makela's repertoire.
Emerald is our performance coordinator. Her versatile voice and powerful breath support enable her sing both soprano and alto voice parts with ease. Aliyah L'Regel, in which she will be enjoying a solo as well as joining in a duet with music director Joel, explores a first-time visit to Jerusalem.
Aliyah is the Jewish concept of visiting, returning to, or moving to the holy land, not unlike the pilgrimage concepts in Islam and Christianity. Following Israeli statehood, Aliyah is known to refer to emigration to Israel. Aliyah l'regel (transliterated many ways throughout the Internet), by contrast, refers to the ancient tradition of visiting Jerusalem during certain important Jewish holidays.
The song Aliyah l'Regel is a fresh look at a very old concept. It has a peppy, happy, syncopated
rhythm and its lyrics recognize Jerusalem as a modern, bustling city, referencing discos and
highways. At the same time, they nod subtly to Jerusalem's ancient history and special historical

Joel and Emerald's treatment is light and playful, which serves to render the concept of visiting Jerusalem approachable, a rejuvenating approach given the sense of seriousness that can sometimes surround what many consider to be an austere, biblical responsibility. It reminds us that, hey, getting back to your roots can be fun, too.
Emerald takes music seriously, but she's not afraid to be goofy when it's called for. It makes her a fun person to sing with and a fun person to watch. Her high energy approach to music makes her a perfect fit for Aliyah L'Regel. Emerald will no doubt show the fun side of of this ancient tradition while acting out the song's imagery. In her own words, "when you hear each piece separately it sounds kind of cheesy but when all the different pieces come together it works. You'll see."